Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Kirstie Alley Effect

I first started this blog with the intention of it becoming a beauty products news and review site. Hence, the name, Pretty Baby, which is what I will name my very own Beauty Supply store someday when I get around to growing up and becoming self-employed.
The blog lay fallow for months and months until I finally realized that I didn't know enough about beauty products anymore to write an interesting blog about them. I've been out of the beauty biz for too long now. For fuck's sake, I still think Glycolic acid is the wave of the anti-aging future..
I also realized that it doesn't really matter what you put on or do to your face if your body is a mess. It doesn't matter how beautiful your face is, really, if you happen to be overweight.
It's not right or good or fair, but it's the truth. I call this, The Kirstie Alley Effect. In case you don't know, Kirstie Alley is the beautiful actress from Cheers in the 1980's who has gained notoriety these past few years for letting herself get very fat:

Now, you will read any number of celeb gossip blogs, news stories, or other such nonsense regarding Kirstie's ever losing battle with her weight. I often notice, however, that nobody ever talks about what an amazingly gorgeous face the woman has. Or, if they do, it's always in the context of what a shame it is that she's gotten so portly and lost her looks. As if, somehow, her face mutated into a rubber pig mask or something when she got fat.
But the truth of the matter is, fat or no fat, Kirstie still is an amazingly beautiful woman.  And no one cares, because she's gained tons of weight.

The reverse of the Kirstie Alley Effect is, of course, the Jamie Lee Curtis Effect, wherein you can actually look like Clint Eastwood in the face, but people will still love you and call you hot because you happen to have a bangin' body:  
Other notorious instances of the Jamie Lee Curtis Effect would be actresses like Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Aniston, and Sarah Jessica Parker.  These women are often referred to as "beautiful" "hot" and "sexy" despite the fact  that the only thing they have going for them physically is a low BMI and a great personal trainer.
Sometimes, I personally feel like I suffer from the Kirstie Alley effect.  I used to jokingly refer to myself as having the face of a porn star and the body of a housewife when i was still thin.
Ha, if only I'd known then how true that would become later on, I might have actually put down the goddamn macaroni and cheese once in a while.